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World Heritage Centre UNESCO invites experts and policymakers to the  Global on line Debate “Culture, Tourism and Covid-19 : Recovery, Resiliency and Rejuvenation” that will be hold on monday 28th fram 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM.

This debate is the first event in a series that will tackle key issues relating to tourism, heritage management and COVID-19. The debate will focus on new models of sustainable tourism development for strengthening heritage resiliency and managing the COVID-19 crisis.

The discussion will focus on two main questions:

– How do we work to ensure tourism benefits destination communities, incentivizes protection of nature and heritage and promotes local culture during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond?

– Which approaches and responses to the crisis have been the most effective to date, and why?

The debate takes place within the framework of the new Task Force established by UNESCO together with the Advisory Bodies to the 1972 World Heritage Convention (IUCN, ICOMOS and ICCROM) in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The Task Force is working to ensure that the recovery of tourism is sustainable, aligns with UNESCO’s values and strengthens the resiliency of communities and World Heritage properties.

The audience will have the opportunity to pose additional questions to the panel of global experts via YouTube chat.